Improve your Business with a Hashtag
How can a #hashtag Improve your Business online
What is a hashtag?
A hashtag (#) is commonly seen on social platforms such as, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Instagram. A hashtag is basically a category, it enables people to reach out to other users and speak about related topics.
For example if you were catching up on your favourite TV show lets say Breaking Bad (big favorite here at Pirl Media) and you wish to discuss recent events in more depth you could go to twitter and using the # you could search #breakingbad. From here you would have instant access to other individuals across the globe who share the same interest as you.
Why is the Hashtag business effective?
Use Revelant hashtags to reach out to people who may need your services
80-90% of individuals now turn to the internet for information. Although the majority of users will go directly to a search engine, a portion of people will also turn to social media for help. The hashtag is a great way to reach out to potential customers. For instance as we provide SEO here at Pirl Media we could turn to twitter and search for terms such as #SEO or #SEOHELP and see if there are people out there looking for help with their website.
Create your own Hashtag
A personalised hashtag is a great way to promote a special offer or give away. For instance if we Pirl Media wanted to promote a discounted offer we could potentially go to a social platform and the promote our business using a personalised hashtag for example #PIRLMEDIADISCOUNT.
For a customer to receive the discount they would have to share our hashtag on a selected network. This method helps promote business as it’s reaching out to more and more people across the nation, even globally.
The More Hashtags used in a tweet the better (but don’t over do it).
Say you’re about to post a service or product on Twitter. Don’t just send out to your followers think outside the box at add one or two highly used hashtags get your tweet seen by a thousand users as opposed to a hundred.
Are you unsure what hashtag words to use? Or would you like to learn more about the hashtag itself?
You can contact us via our Facebook page or call us on 0151 329 2988. At Pirl Media we have a team on standby to provide you with the best possible advice to get you where you want to be!