Fancy becoming a blogger?
Do you have stuff to write about? Are you currently working for a marketing agency and want to post on a reputable SEO/Marketing/Web Design website – well as if by magic you’ve landed on our ‘write for us’ page.
No hidden charges. Nothing to pay, just write good quality content, no keyword stuffing, ensure it reads well and of course completely topical.
The rules to good content…
- Must be unique. We will check, so don’t waste your time or ours
- You cannot be located in any of the areas we target (eg) most of the North West of England.
- Obviously, must be written in English but not ‘Pigeon English’.
- Don’t stuff it with Keywords. Gone are the days Google rewards that.
- 1 link back to an inner page to your website and 1 to a previous blog post of ours. That’s fair eh. The link must be relevant. Then share on Social Media.
- Try to keep it current. (eg) don’t write about a Google update from 2013 – yawn yawn…..
What to do next…
Oh this is easy, contact Peter at and ask if you can submit content. Provided you tick all the boxes above, we’ll happily post it for you.